Klab Conti has long been a leading light on Florence’s fitness scene, but now the heritage-soaked hub has upped its game with reassuring safety measures and an all-new aeration system. ...
There’s never been a better time to have a spa all to yourself. Here are five hotels with wellness facilities in central Florence. Hotel Palazzo Castri 1874 ...
Start the new year with an adventure or two. Lori Anne Lo Presti tells The Florentine about how she moved to Florence and founded the ever-more popular group Ladies Adventures ...
It was back in 2004 when a South African living in London named Paul Sinton-Hewitt gave birth to the first parkrun event, with his partner Joanne, three other volunteers and a ...
Gentlemen with a longing to look their best this holiday season need seek no more. Nestled along borgo San Jacopo, a flick of a blade away from the Ponte Vecchio, ...
Now that the summer fun is over, we’re all craving wellbeing and company to tackle the shorter days ahead. This autumn, inspiring women from the US, Turkey and the ...
Italians tend to view autumn as the start of the calendar year since summer festivities conclude, our routines resume and children go back to school. As we now are officially ...
My book Healthy Aging: Well-being and Sexuality at Menopause and Beyond comes from the clinical observations I made throughout my professional career (www.annaghizzani.it). Re-thinking about what happens during appointments is ...
The sun was shining as I set off for southern Tuscany, destination Saturnia. It feels like an odyssey from Florence, pacing down towards Siena, continuing to Grosseto and slowing down ...
It was a bitterly cold January day as we sought solace at the spas sprinkled throughout the Siena countryside. The clue’s in the name: look for a terme (Italian for ...
With the festivities behind us and fitness trackers strapped to our wrists, two cyclists reveal the perils and pleasures of biking in and around Florence. One thing’s for sure, it’s ...
Skin is the most exposed part of our body. Our largest organ is extremely complex, being made up of three major layers, more than five types of cells as well ...
Legend has it that the seven islands comprising the Tuscan Archipelago were birthed when Aphrodite mislaid her pearl necklace in the Mediterranean. Goddess of love aside, Elba, Capraia, Pianosa, Giglio, ...
Prior to any student’s departure on his or her first solo trip abroad, common offhanded reminders may include not to get homesick, to brace oneself for culture shock or to ...
On May days when tourists descend in droves by plane, train and automobile, it’s time to take to the hills—and one steep ascent in particular. Photos by Helen Farrell @helencfarrell ...
Beach time is practically a tenet in the sacred rites of Tuscan summer. But what if you can’t escape to the coast—or you have young children and the beach is ...
Whether you’re here in Florence for a few days of leisure, for life, or something in between, keeping up a fitness regimen can be a challenge. Your Florentine lifestyle may ...
Regardless of age, sex, gender or orientation, sorting through information about sexual and reproductive health can be complicated enough in your native language. Factor in a Florentine move and it ...
“Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat,” but it doesn’t mean that we humans have to follow suit. While it might be tempting to curl up on the ...
Tuscan Fitness offers revitalising yoga retreats and health holidays in the heart of the Tuscan countryside. Combining yoga, fitness training and hiking as well as delicious yet nutritious food, these ...
It sounds like the stuff of the Tuscan dream: two New York entrepreneurs move to Tuscany to escape the rat race and open a wellness centre par excellence. However, it ...
‘Eureka!’ The treasure miners accidentally found in Monsummano wasn’t gold. The natural ‘gem’ discovered more than a hundred years ago on Giusti family property was much bigger and more unique. ...
Tuscany is full of natural hot springs or ‘terme,’ many of which date from Roman or even Etruscan times and whose waters, originating from deep within the earth’s crust, have long been associated with curative properties. Each individual spring has a different make up in terms