Give the gift of something Florentine this Valentine’s Day. Here’s The Florentine’s pick of the crop for the Tuscany lovers in your life. Many ship internationally and have English-friendly online shops. ...
On the tip of borgo Santa Croce, a quiet street flanked by 16th-century buildings, several small openings are carved out of the meter-thick walls of the Palazzo Corsini-Antinori. Now owned ...
In Florence, the Cozzi name has long been synonymous with bookbinding, paper marbling and faithful restoration of centuries-old volumes. Alberto Cozzi, together with his wife Nella, opened their bottega ...
Fashion jewelry designer Giovanna Bruno of MONNALUNA was integral to the launch of IN BOTTEGA, and has been devising a new business model. “Many artisans have been hit particularly hard ...
Gentlemen with a longing to look their best this holiday season need seek no more. Nestled along borgo San Jacopo, a flick of a blade away from the Ponte Vecchio, ...
From books to candles, experiences to wine, here’s The Florentine’s pick of the presents this holiday season for the Florence lovers in your life. Glowing ...
I’m pleased to announce the launch of a new platform designed to bring artisans of the Oltrarno together with discerning shoppers – IN BOTTEGA. The pandemic has led to an ...
Opening a business always involves a leap of faith, but particularly so in the midst of a global pandemic. Over the course of summer 2020, meeting rooms were exchanged ...
Hours before opening her store, Ilaria Tolossi, owner and designer of Essère Atelier, visits an antique sartorìa to decide which fabrics will become a new dress. Minutes before visitors arrive ...
Photography by Marco Badiani, Valeria Raniolo + Diego De Franchis Raise your image to heaven or damn it to hell this winter with local, sustainable and devilishly enticing outfits ...
Varinia (Vary) and her husband Edoardo Cecotto are no amateurs in the food industry. Vary has two master’s degrees in culinary arts and Edoardo has managed multiple events and cooking ...
Many artisans in Florence face the same challenge: the work is labor intensive, as is often the case when traditional methods are used. This requires a mastery of highly specialized ...
Gift giving is sometimes difficult, but not at all so when you’re presented with the option of wrapping up an entire city under the Christmas tree. This year, Destination Florence ...
September is a month of fresh starts. With school bags back on shoulders and heads focused on the academic year to come, embark on the next chapter with ...
All Posts It’s finally time to air those summer items you’ve kept stored away for so long, and undoubtedly do a quick stock take to see what you’re missing ...
The Artisan Quarter Association works to support and preserve culture and art in the Oltrarno. Known for its bottegas and artisan workshops, this quarter of Florence has long been associated ...
It takes guts to open a business during a pandemic, but Antonio Badalamenti has shown he can stomach it. Formerly the chef at Nugolo (2020’s rave review restaurant opening, back ...
Plastics, unnecessary bags, boxes within boxes: be gone with them all! Florentine stores are putting the environment first, having replaced excess packaging with pay-by-weight foodstuffs and household essentials. Just bring ...
Our style has changed over the course of the pandemic as we all seek comfort and to look after ourselves. Leisurewear is the first choice for most as we find ...
Bring Tuscany to your home this winter with handcrafted items from the region we all love. From Prato-produced mattresses to candle bowls shaped by a Scottish potter, watercolours painted by ...
Give the promise of Florence this Valentine’s Day. Help local businesses from across the miles by selecting a specialty gift. Here’s The Florentine’s pick of the crop for the Tuscany ...
The months spent at home have inspired creativity as Florence’s publishing houses, graphic design studios and bookstores devise unique books, games and gifts to mark these particular times. Here’s ...
Ever since the Renaissance, the city has been an epicentre of craftsmanship, its residents proud patrons of the arts. Leather, jewellery, textiles, marbled paper, perfume and many more trades have ...
Entering the storefront of Saskia Wittmer’s shoe workshop, you are greeted by varying mesmerizing sounds—light taps to leather, hard strikes of a hammer and the gentle rub of various lotions—yet ...