Start the new year with an adventure or two. Lori Anne Lo Presti tells The Florentine about how she moved to Florence and founded the ever-more popular group Ladies Adventures ...
It was back in 2004 when a South African living in London named Paul Sinton-Hewitt gave birth to the first parkrun event, with his partner Joanne, three other volunteers and a ...
The best way to endure the heat of the summer months is to set off on an outdoor adventure in the fresh air in Florence, and yes, it can be ...
PhD law students at the European University Institute Dominik Dworniczak and Hubert Bekisz are based in Florence for the next four years. Both enjoy hiking and decided to attempt the ...
“Prayer is a suspension of the presumption of your ego,” explains Alessandro, his kind eyes sparkling with empathy, after showing us around the cell where the Blessed Giulia ...
Keeping kids entertained is never as easy as one would like to think. Especially now as schools will remain closed until September, I find myself scrambling to come up with ...
Our summer holidays may have required a rethink and while seeking things to do closer to home, it doesn’t take long to come up with an exciting alternative: geocaching, an ...
“Our hotel’s opposite the ski lift, I’ll meet you there,” wrote hotelier and tour operator Franz, in a WhatsApp exchange. Off I set, two hours south of Florence, climbing up ...
One of the best things about Florence is that you’re never far from nature. I’ve been guiding hiking and biking tours throughout Europe for over 20 years; when I’m at ...
With the festivities behind us and fitness trackers strapped to our wrists, two cyclists reveal the perils and pleasures of biking in and around Florence. One thing’s for sure, it’s ...
Ask people what’s their favourite thing about the city and many will tell you “getting lost”. There is something exhilarating about wandering the cobblestone streets and seeing where they ...
An absence of big cities and an abundance of green seems to generate a hush over the whole area of the Mugello, an area of Tuscany located northeast of Florence. ...
Now, I see the sky in a different light. This weekend, I eyed up my terrace’s base-jumping potential and obsessed as a drone was piloted downriver. On Friday, I tumbled ...
In Chianti, cycling equals gravel because of the ubiquitous dirt tracks. L’Eroica, the best-known historic cycling event in the world, has made pedalling through verdant vineyards a must for bikers. ...
As the school year winds down, what better way to spend the holidays than at summer camp, where kids can explore their potential with a variety of English activities? ...
Threading its way through the Apennine mountains, the Via degli Dei is a 130-kilometre-long hiking route between Florence and Bologna. The path’s name, which translates as the Way of ...
The sea breeze rustles the pink and white rhododendrons as we mount our e-bikes to explore the Etruscan Coast. Our point of departure is where the viale dei Cipressi meets ...
Silence and adrenaline: these two words aren’t often found in the same sentence, but this is exactly what awaits you in the wild woods of the Casentino and the steep ...
Explore an authentic land at leisure: this is the recommended approach to admire the abundant riches that the Lunigiana has to offer. The northernmost patch in Tuscany, the area borders with ...
If you’re looking for a miniature Tuscany, the Pisa area is a find. Drawing an imaginary circle with a 50-kilometre radius (which translates to a half-hour drive) with Pisa at ...
Tuscany is a veritable winter wonderland during the colder months. The Christmas lights, the nativity scenes dotting the region’s myriad medieval villages, the snow-capped mountains calling sports lovers to take ...
The Val d’Orcia has earned a steadfast place in the collective imagination as the typical – if not ideal – Tuscan landscape, its gentle, rolling hills shifting in colour and ...
If Florence and Tuscany inspire you, just imagine the creative and physical regeneration to be had when walking in the footsteps of Leonardo da Vinci. The cooler breezes of Fall ...
Legend has it that the seven islands comprising the Tuscan Archipelago were birthed when Aphrodite mislaid her pearl necklace in the Mediterranean. Goddess of love aside, Elba, Capraia, Pianosa, Giglio, ...