Here in Tuscany, kids have been back at school for a week and students from around the world are settling into life in Italy. In the October issue of The Florentine (out September 30), we’ll be celebrating Florence as a world-class centre of education with its myriad international schools and lifelong instruction programs in a dazzling array of fields.
The cover story focuses on Mascarade Opera Studio, a newly launchedtraining programme in opera designed to support singers of exceptional talent, based in the mesmerizing halls of Palazzo Corsini, while features includea look behind the scenes at top European jewellery school, LAO – Le Arti Orafe; a visit to the Jewish Community of Florence’s preschool, library and archive to observe their lifelong commitment to Jewish heritage; a whirlwind tour of Granaio della Abbondanza, the vibrant new ideas hub by the Arno River; and Deirdre Pirro’s profile of Angelo de Gubernatis, orientalist, professor of Sanskrit and founder of the Indian Museum in Florence. We pick the minds of education experts in Florence with considered contributions from Simon Gammell, director of The British Institute; Carla Guarducci, President & CEO, Lorenzo De’ Medici – The Italian International Institute; and Alessandro Colombo, director of AD Education Italia/Accademia Italiana.