Giuseppe De Micheli is the director of Opera di Santa Croce.
In Santa Croce facts, chronicles and history become monuments in their own right. This is especially true for the Florentine floods, recollections of unexpected past events, which remain ...
Time is something that is continuously recreated, reborn, starting anew: this happens every day, every season, but also in broader historical periods. Conventionally we use the term ‘Renaissance’ to ...
This article is the first in a series by Giuseppe De Micheli, the Director of Opera di Santa Croce. In medieval Florence, illustrious figures had a special honour bestowed upon them: burial in the basilica of Santa Croce. This explains why so many important monuments in Santa Croce were
For more than 700 years, the Gothic church of Santa Croce has seen the passing of the countless seasons, several renovations and myriad styles of art and architecture. It is the site of revolutionary works, such as Cimabue’s Crucifixion and the Pazzi Chapel, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. It