E unne’ i’ bere

E unne’ i’ bere

Wed 17 Nov 2010 11:00 PM

E unnè i’ bere, gliè i’ ribere!

Literally, ‘It’s not the drink, it’s the drinking again!’ Expression used to describe the effects of drinking to excess.

Example: ‘Gino! Come mi sento male….e unnè i bere, gliè I ribere che ti spezza in due!’ (‘Gino! I feel so sick . . .  It’s not the drink but the drinking that’ll kill you.’)



To have a pallid face when not feeling well. Usually used with kids and babies.

Example: ‘T’hai visuccio nini, provati la febbre’ (‘You’re so pale, little one! Let’s take your temperature.’)




Confusion, ruckus.

Example: ‘Ugooo!! Abbassa i’ volume, un tù lo senti che bailame?’ (‘Ugo, turn down the volume! Can’t you hear what a ruckus it’s making?’)

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