Siamo a tappeto

Siamo a tappeto

Director of The Florentine Marco Badiani speaks great English, but, when it comes to idiomatic phrases, his choice is to be the king of the ‘detto non detto,’ offering creative literal translations of Italian idioms. His colourful turns of phrase never cease to make us laugh. In this

Wed 03 Feb 2016 11:00 PM

Director of The Florentine Marco Badiani speaks great English, but, when it comes to idiomatic phrases, his choice is to be the king of the ‘detto non detto,’ offering creative literal translations of Italian idioms. His colourful turns of phrase never cease to make us laugh. In this column, we serve up the finest ‘Marco-isms’ of the month.


Remove the potatoes from the fire

Italian: Togliere le patate dal fuoco

Meaning: Solve a burning question


We’re at the carpet

Italian: Siamo a tappeto

Meaning: Back to square one

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