Cinta, Aradio, Pettata

Cinta, Aradio, Pettata

Cinta: Belt Example: ‘Che te la se’ messa la cinta? Tu perdi i calzoni!’ (‘Did you put on your belt? Your pants are falling down!’)     Aradio: Radio Example: ‘Allora, spegni l’aradio, un si dorme!’ (‘Oh, turn off the

Wed 06 Nov 2013 11:00 PM

Cinta: Belt

Example: ‘Che te la se’ messa la cinta? Tu perdi i calzoni!’

(‘Did you put on your belt? Your pants are falling down!’)



Aradio: Radio

Example: ‘Allora, spegni l’aradio, un si dorme!’

(‘Oh, turn off the radio, we can’t sleep!’)


Pettata: Climb, hill

Example: ‘Sieee, scendo dalla bicicletta perché un ce la fo’ a fare quella pettata!’

(‘Yeah right, I’m getting off my bike because I can’t do that hill!’)

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