Tra ninnoli e nannoli, Pela, I cami

Tra ninnoli e nannoli, Pela, I cami

Thu 24 Nov 2011 11:00 PM

Tra ninnoli e nannoli

Between one thing and another.

Example: ‘Mah, tra ninnoli e nannoli si finirà a mezzanotte.’ (‘Jeez, between one thing and another, we’ll finish at midnight.’) 




Something that is burning hot.

Example: ‘Sta’ attento perchè la patata e la péla, un si tiene nemmeno in mano!’ (‘Watch out, that potato is burning hot; I can’t even touch it!’)



I càmi

Plural of camion (trucks). 

Example: ‘Ho bèlle caricato due cami! Un ce la faccio più!’ (I’ve already loaded up two trucks! I can’t take it anymore!’)


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