Tritello, A palla, Oh ma ripigliati

Tritello, A palla, Oh ma ripigliati

Wed 15 Jun 2011 10:00 PM


Tritello: Mess,


Example: ‘Guarda quanto c’ho messo ad arrivare! C’era un tritello di macchine su’
(‘Look how long it took me to get
here! There was a mess of cars on the avenues!’)


A palla: At
a fast speed; at a high volume.


Example: ‘Ma Nedo tiene sempre la musica a palla in macchina?’ (‘Does
Nedo always keep the music blaring in the car?’)

passato su’ viali a palla: l’ha perso 10 punti sulla patente e 250 euro di
(‘He was flying down the avenues: he
lost 10 points on his license and got a 250 euro fine!’)


Oh, ma ripigliati: ‘Get
a grip.’ Can be used in jest or in more serious situations.


Example: ‘Oh, ma ripigliati, chi tu credi di essere!? Datti una calmata!’ (Get
a grip! Who do you think you are?! Calm yourself down!’)


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