

Ceccotoccami: Pest. A person (usually a child) who loves to get a rise and a reaction out of others. Imagine a kid goading or daring one of his friends, ‘Dai Cecco, toccami!' (‘Come on, Cecco, touch me!').   Example: ‘O ma guarda che i' tu' figliolo l'

Wed 06 Apr 2011 10:00 PM


Pest. A person (usually a child) who loves to get a rise and a reaction out of others. Imagine a kid goading or daring one of his friends, ‘Dai Cecco, toccami!’ (‘Come on, Cecco, touch me!’).

Example: ‘O ma guarda che i’ tu’ figliolo l’e proprio un ceccotoccami!’ (‘Oh, your kid is a real pest!’)



Traditionally known as a type of container used to transport harvested grapes. Nowadays it is used to describe someone who is quite out of shape.

Example: ‘Maremma che bìgonciolo le diventato Franco!’ (‘Damn, Franco has gotten as big as a house!’)


Stare lustro

An expression of warning about the trouble a child is going to get in for something he or she did wrong. In English, we would say, ‘Ooooh, you’re gonna get it!!’  

Example: Una nonna al nipote: Se la tu’ mamma s’accorge che t’hai mangiato la Nutella si sta lustri tutt’e due!’ (A grandmother to her grandson: ‘If your mom sees you’ve eaten the Nutella, we’re both gonna get it!’) 



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