Sgamare, Sgamotto, Boccata/boccare,

Sgamare, Sgamotto, Boccata/boccare,

Wed 23 Feb 2011 11:00 PM

Sgamare: To avoid an annoying chore for which you are unprepared.


Example: ‘Meno male che ho sgamato la riunione!’(‘Good thing I got out of that meeting!’)



Sgamotto: From ‘sgamare’ we also get this word, which is the action with which we avoid the annoying task or chore.


Example: ‘Stamani ho fatto lo sgamotto con quel noioso di Mauro, sennò mi teneva a parlare du’ ore!’

(‘This morning I shook off that annoying Mauro; if I hadn’t, he would’ve kept talking for two hours!’)



Boccata/boccare: To fall on one’s face.


Example: ‘Faceva i’ ganzo co’ I’ motorino e l’ha picchiato un boccata in terra!’ (‘He was trying to be cool with his motorino and he fell on his face!’)

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