

Wed 08 Dec 2010 11:00 PM


This word has various meanings, among them ‘meat’; it is also used as a friendly nickname, or expression of resignation.

 Example: ‘Via nini, mangia la ciccia sennò un tu cresci!’

(‘Come on, little one, eat your meat or else you won’t grow big and strong!’)


O ciccia, come tuù stai? Lè un po’ che un ti vedo!’

(‘Hey sweetie! How are you? It’s been a while since I’ve seen you!’)


Ciccia!! Ormai lè andata così, se’ perso i’ treno!’

(‘Shoot! Oh well, that’s how it goes. We missed the train!’)




To continue, keep going. In Florence, it’s used in a familiar (often joking) way to get people to quit harping on a particular subject.

Example: ‘Ovvia, seguita dell’altro! Alla fine tù ne tocchi!’

(Oh God, keep going why don’t you? You’re gonna get it in a second!’)

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