Sin City

Sin City

Retro-futuristic comic book urban decadence makes a brilliant reappearance in Robert Rodriguez and Frank Millers own Sin City graphic novels. Using almost literally Millers story board for the film, and retaining the graphic imagery and colouration of the original, as well as the narrative style and sentimental characterization, the

Wed 15 Jun 2005 10:00 PM

Retro-futuristic comic book urban decadence makes a
brilliant reappearance in Robert Rodriguez and Frank Millers own Sin City
graphic novels. Using almost literally Millers story board for the film, and
retaining the graphic imagery and colouration of the original, as well as the
narrative style and sentimental characterization, the cutting edge of digital
filmmaking is shown to stunning effect in a hallucinatory, violent noir crime
thriller in the style of Tarantino (who produced the movie, and shot one
scene). Literally noir, because the entire movie is black, with only splashes
of artificial colour. The presence of Hollywood
heavies notwithstanding, a curiously inhuman but visually impressive affair. Sensational.

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