Bend It Like Beckham

Bend It Like Beckham

A big hit in 2002, Gurinder Chadhas feel-good comedy reworks in a sports environment, and with less seriousness, some of the ethnic differences that are the particular concern of Non Resident Indian directors like Chadha herself (Bhaji on the Beach; Bride and Prejudice), and Mira Nair (Monsoon Wedding) and

Wed 08 Jun 2005 10:00 PM

A big hit in 2002, Gurinder Chadhas feel-good comedy
reworks in a sports environment, and with less seriousness, some of the ethnic
differences that are the particular concern of Non Resident Indian directors
like Chadha herself (Bhaji on the Beach; Bride and Prejudice), and Mira Nair
(Monsoon Wedding) and in films such as East is East. Beckham obsessed Jess
comes from a traditional Sikh family whose expectations for her future do not
include womens football, and theres the rub. A particularly amusing
performance from Juliet Stevenson as a mother with an over-active imagination
eases the film to a predictably happy ending. Great soundtrack.

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